Maximum Prejudice:

— A love Story

When New York P.I. Nick Wolfe rescues a boy from a ring of pedophiles in the nation’s capital, he uncovers an international child trafficking power cabal.

In 24 hours, he’s involved with the Speaker of the House, the first female Secretary-General of the UN, the President of the United States and the First Lady, who makes him an agent of F.L.O.T.U.S. – her secret Federal Lethal Operations Team of the United States.

Nick Wolfe battles monstrous wrestlers and Armenian assassins and fights through explosions, torture, and multiple murders. Go with him inside the UN and the annual meeting of the global elitist Birknerhaus Group when Nick tackles the evil junto – with
Maximum Prejudice.

This is a book for guys who like to read books.
—Robert Danger Workman

[Robert’s] passion and dedication to educating and launching individuals to succeed in business and in life, allowed him to quickly gain the respect of our young team.

Robert inspired them to be all they could be personally, then guided them through the foundations of how to apply that knowledge to their professional success.

He spent time getting to know each team member, giving them the tools they personally needed to succeed. Robert doubled our rate of closing sales and built a team that is dedicated to the success of the company.


Robert Workman


[Robert’s] passion and dedication to educating and launching individuals to succeed in business and in life, allowed him to quickly gain the respect of our young team.

Everything you bring to the table in helping our employees to find who they are and how to develop themselves into high performance humans is invaluable…

Your book, HIRED GUN, is a must read for any top performer in sales.

It has personally been an inspiration for me…

One more thing, since our meeting in February, our sales have taken off to new heights.


Robert Workman


Everything you bring to the table in helping our employees to find who they are and how to develop themselves into high performance humans is invaluable…

First, we help people understand themselves, so they go out and do the things they know they should be doing, day in and day out, every day of their lives. We show people how to take control of their own lives.


Robert Workman


First, we help people understand themselves, so they go out and do the things they know they should be doing, day in and day out, every day of their lives. We show people how to take control of their own lives.

This book is based on years of hard work and experience, and aimed at the sales pro who wants to sell more and more, faster and easier then ever before.


Robert Workman


This book is based on years of hard work and experience, and aimed at the sales pro who wants to sell more and more, faster and easier then ever before.
Robert Workman

Coming June 3rd, 2021!

Available june 3rd:


— The Most Dangerous Game

“When you master your greatest asset and greatest power, everything else in your life: your job, your relationships, your confidence, commitment, desire, determination and belief – they all substantially increase in value.”
—Robert Danger Workman

Why you should buy this book:

If you’re at the top of your game for whatever you do, read this book
– it shows you how to stay there.

Hired Gun
If you’re at the top of your game for whatever you do, read this book – it shows you how to stay there.

If you’re the top sales rep in your outfit, especially read this book
– it’s written for you.

Hired Gun
If you’re the top sales rep in your outfit, especially read this book – it’s written for you.

If you aspire to become the top rep in your outfit, read this book
– you’ll learn what lies ahead.

Hired Gun
If you aspire to become the top rep in your outfit, read this book – you’ll learn what lies ahead.

If you want to know what to expect in your life and career as your company grows from its success, read this book.

Hired Gun
If you want to know what to expect in your life and career as your company grows from its success, read this book.

If you want to learn how to identify and maximize your single-most valuable asset, read this book.

Hired Gun
If you want to learn how to identify and maximize your single-most valuable asset, read this book.

If you want to learn how to identify and maximize your single-greatest power, read this book.

Hired Gun
If you want to learn how to identify and maximize your single-greatest power, read this book.


If you need to know what to do now, because you’re great at your job and YOU’VE JUST BEEN FIRED – immediately skip ahead to the chapter, Fired Gun.

Hired Gun
IF YOU’VE JUST BEEN FIRED… If you need to know what to do now, because you’re great at your job and YOU’VE JUST BEEN FIRED – immediately skip ahead to the chapter, Fired Gun.
Hired Gun

Attitude! This book reads as if it were the original source of that viewpoint. Bob Workman is a high performer with the drive and discipline of a Hired Gun, and he’s a storyteller par excellence! This is a book for two types of people: those who live the kick-ass, take-no-prisoners lifestyle; and those who wish they could. It’s also a great book for people who just really enjoy a true life business story well told. Strap on your guns and take a ride with Workman, you’ll be better for it.

Jim Cathcart, author of The Self Motivation Handbook, Relationship Selling and 17 other books.

Hired Gun

Jim Cathcart, author of The Self Motivation Handbook, Relationship Selling and 17 other books.

Attitude! This book reads as if it were the original source of that viewpoint. Bob Workman is a high performer with the drive and discipline of a Hired Gun, and he’s a storyteller par excellence! This is a book for two types of people: those who live the kick-ass, take-no-prisoners lifestyle; and those who wish they could. It’s also a great book for people who just really enjoy a true life business story well told. Strap on your guns and take a ride with Workman, you’ll be better for it.

If you ever publish a sales book, two things will happen. One, time will pass and some information will become outdated. Two, you’ll wake up at night (more than once) and realize what you should have put in the book. Bottom line, Workman didn’t complain about it, he wrote a damn good book and made it better. Do yourself (and your wallet) a favor. Buy this book, read it, take notes and put what you learn into action.

Vince Poscente - NY Times Bestselling Author - The Age of Speed

Hired Gun

Vince Poscente - NY Times Bestselling Author - The Age of Speed

If you ever publish a sales book, two things will happen. One, time will pass and some information will become outdated. Two, you’ll wake up at night (more than once) and realize what you should have put in the book. Bottom line, Workman didn’t complain about it, he wrote a damn good book and made it better. Do yourself (and your wallet) a favor. Buy this book, read it, take notes and put what you learn into action.

Robert's new book is a swift kick in the pants and a must read for serious sales professionals. Old school, not p.c., great reference points and at times hilarious. He reminds every sales person how to get back to basics, be disciplined and sell, sell, sell!

Whitney A. Walker, CEO, Anna Sova Organics

Hired Gun

Whitney A. Walker, CEO, Anna Sova Organics

Robert's new book is a swift kick in the pants and a must read for serious sales professionals. Old school, not p.c., great reference points and at times hilarious. He reminds every sales person how to get back to basics, be disciplined and sell, sell, sell!

Sales people are [often] people that failed at their first career.  The climb to sales success can be difficult.  Read HIRED GUN II and discover what doesn’t work, the dangers that are lurking and how to make your journey to sales success much easier.

Larry Little, Account Executive, software sales

Hired Gun

Larry Little, Account Executive, software sales

Sales people are [often] people that failed at their first career.  The climb to sales success can be difficult.  Read HIRED GUN II and discover what doesn’t work, the dangers that are lurking and how to make your journey to sales success much easier.

A great book for anyone seeking personal excellence and professional success -- in sales and in life.

Dr. Nido R. Qubein, CSP, CPAE – author, How To Be A Great Communicator (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) – Cavett Award Winner and NSA past president

Hired Gun

Dr. Nido R. Qubein, CSP, CPAE – author, How To Be A Great Communicator (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) – Cavett Award Winner and NSA past president

A great book for anyone seeking personal excellence and professional success -- in sales and in life.

Workman provides you with the unvarnished truth about selling as a hire gun, and more importantly, how to adopt the mindset to succeed in spite of the all the roadblocks, obstacles, and other characters you’ll meet along the way. Read the stories, pay careful attention to the lessons!

Anthony Iannarino, Author of Eat Their Lunch!

Hired Gun

Anthony Iannarino, Author of Eat Their Lunch!

Workman provides you with the unvarnished truth about selling as a hire gun, and more importantly, how to adopt the mindset to succeed in spite of the all the roadblocks, obstacles, and other characters you’ll meet along the way. Read the stories, pay careful attention to the lessons!

This book is based on years of hard work and experience, and aimed at the sales pro who wants to sell more and more, faster and easier then ever before.

Brian Tracy, Author, Speaker, Trainer

Hired Gun

Brian Tracy, Author, Speaker, Trainer

This book is based on years of hard work and experience, and aimed at the sales pro who wants to sell more and more, faster and easier then ever before.
Hired Gun

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By Robert Workman

HIRED GUN® – You’re #1, and Somebody Hates It


Amazon Reader Review: 

The way sales books should be…this book is about the THINKING of sales not the doing. If you are a new sales person who desires to be great, then read this book, but not for the practicalities it will teach you, but for something far more important – how to think like a top sales pro.”

Best Selling Author

Robert Workman

Robert Danger Workman has a consistent successful track record in sales spanning four decades and is the author of the best-selling book, Hired Gun: You’re #1 and Somebody Hates it. He has published numerous sales training/human development programs and speaks to thousands of sales reps globally. Hired Gun has been revered by top sales trainers as a “must-read for sales people.” Robert has owned six Ferraris, raised Grand National Champion registered Texas Longhorn cattle, lived with wolves, mountain lions, an African Serval and a St. Bernard-Mastiff as pets, and resides in Dallas. Follow Robert at

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